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STAM, the new technology broker for ESA in Italy, presents ESA Spark Funding

July 11th, 2024
A fund dedicated to financing feasibility studies and demonstration projects to test new technological solutions, ESA Spark Funding has a budget of €1.35 million.

Identifying the best enabling and innovative technologies for future space missions, promoting technology transfer between the space and non-space sectors, and vice versa: this is the task assigned to STAM, an Italian technology company based in Genoa, with offices in Rome, Bari, and Cagliari, selected by ESA as the technology broker for Italy.

Stefano Carosio, Executive Director of STAM, commented: "It is an honor to collaborate alongside the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) for the launch and management of ESA Spark Funding, which is instrumental in accelerating the transfer of space technologies into industrial applications and supporting the involvement of non-space companies in future space missions."

As a technology broker, ESA, in collaboration with ASI, has assigned STAM two main objectives: to solve industrial challenges through the use of innovative space technologies, and to help cutting-edge companies bring their innovations developed for terrestrial environments into the space sector.

The open call for funding

One of the tools to achieve this is ESA Spark Funding, a fund dedicated to financing feasibility studies and demonstration projects to test new technological solutions, launched for the first time in Italy with a budget of 1.35 million euros. The open call for submitting project ideas by September 16th, 2024, is available at this link: www.esa-technology-broker.it.

Examples of technology transfer already achieved in this area include the use of a valve developed for space applications in the beverage sector and the use of algorithms designed for satellites and adapted for market intelligence applications. Another application involves the use of technologies developed for space in the context of ASI-supported programs for the digitalization of the Vatican Library.

Detailed information on how does the funding program work and on how to apply for joining it is available online on its official website.

The value of technology transfer

"This is the first time that ESA Spark Funding has been launched in Italy within the ScaleUp Program thanks to the collaboration between ESA and ASI. STAM is honored to have been chosen as the technology broker for the next three years to support the technology transfer of Italian space technologies, while also seeking promising opportunities to bring high-potential non-space technologies into space," said Stefano Carosio, Executive Director of STAM. "Our 27 years of experience in the space sector and our background in systems engineering, combined with a wide network in various industrial markets, will be extremely useful to work at the interface between space and non-space innovators."

"Italian space industry has a long history of technology transfer," commented Aude de Clercq, Head of the Innovative Services Section at ESA. "With the signing of the contract with STAM, funding, technical and commercial support will be made available to the Italian industry to reduce the commercial risk of innovations, engage partners and conclude agreements with customers to develop new products."

"The transfer of technology from space to non-space sectors and vice versa," said Tanya Scalia, Head of the Technology Transfer Office at ASI, "has the potential to drive innovation, stimulate economic growth, address social challenges, and improve the quality of life for people around the world. ASI has therefore signed up to the ScaleUp program to stimulate this cross-fertilization between different sectors and to encourage the meeting between the research world and the industrial world. We believe that the Italian broker will significantly contribute to achieving these important objectives."

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